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Outlook Export To Multiple PDF Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 337)
Convert many Outlook emails into PDF format without Adobe Acrobat. This software offers a solution for users who want to convert one or more Outlook e-mails into PDF format without Adobe Acrobat. The software will extract e-mails from the Outlook application or the user can choose a PST file. There is a search option for a user specified string of text. Before conversion starts the user selects the e-mails to be converted. Outlook 2000 or higher required....
Find Unused Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 299)
Search folders or drives for unused files. This software offers a solution for users who want to find unused files or folders and send them to the Recycle Bin or a specific folder. The user adds folder/s or a drive and chooses an option to find by: date accessed, date modified or date created. Then the cutoff date is chosen from drop down menus with the following options: after, before, on or between a selected date. There is another option for listing anything that has not been accessed within a user specif...
Get Line Count In Multiple Text & HTML Files Softw 7.0 (Downloads: 360)
Count lines in one or more text and HTML files. This software offers a solution for users who want to obtain a line count from multiple text or HTML files. The user can choose the required files or add an entire folder. The user can opt for all lines containing a specified word/s to be excluded from the count. There is a check box for excluding all blank lines and count options to: give one count for all the files or a separate count for each. Using this time saving software, an accurate line count for a large nu...
Automatic File Backup Software 7.0 (Downloads: 251)
Periodically backup any set of files to a specified folder. This software offers a convenient solution for users who need to periodically backup any set of files to a specified folder. Simply add files individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Files are automatically saved as copies to the location of your choice. Backup frequency can be set between every 5 minutes and 24 hours. This application sits in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. This software helps you protect your data the easy way....
Outlook Extract Email Addresses Software 7.0 (Downloads: 242)
Extract email addresses from an Outlook Inbox. Save results as text files. This software offers a solution for users who want to create contact lists from Outlook sent and received messages. Simply choose whether to work with Outlook, Outlook Express or a PST file. Email addresses are found from sent/received headers as well from the body of messages. Save a list with just a few clicks. Outlook 2000/Outlook Express 5.0 or higher required....
MS Word Backup File Auto Save Software 7.0 (Downloads: 251)
Automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file. This software offers a solution for users who wish to automatically save all open MS Word documents to a separate backup file. These file backups occur while you work at intervals that you specify. These intervals can be set to every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes, every hour, every 2 hours, every 4 hours, every 8 hours, every 24 hours, etc. This application sits in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. Word 2000 or higher required...
Convert Multiple PSD Files To JPG Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 408)
Create multiple JPG/JPEG files from multiple Photoshop PSD files. This software offers a quick and easy solution for image conversion from PSD to JPG/JPEG without Photoshop. Instead of manually opening and resaving each file, this software automatically runs conversion for you. Add files individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. This software can save you hours by processing your PSD files in batches....
PDF Split Multiple Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 269)
Split one or more PDF files into smaller ones by a specified number of pages. This simple and powerful utility allows a user to segment a PDF into new PDF documents every user-specified number of pages. This software will save you time by manipulating multiple PDF files at once....
Gmail Extract Email Data Software 7.0 (Downloads: 282)
Extract specific text from Gmail. This software offers a solution for users who need to extract specific text data in their Gmail account. Functions allow you to extract all text, certain lines, text between two sets of characters or extract by line number. The extraction results can be saved as a text file or copied to the clipboard. This software is useful to the Gmail power-user who needs to extract certain data (such as "only names" or "only zip codes" or "only phones nu...
Create Multiple Folders Software 7.0 (Downloads: 313)
Create multiple folders or subfolders. This software offers a solution for users who want to create multiple folders or subfolders. To get this software to work, specify the one folder location in which to create the new folders, specify the folder prefix, and finally, specify the number of folders to create. After you click the start button, ech folder is created with a unique number (counter) attached to the end. An example of folders created with this software are: Folder 001, Folder 002, Folder 003, ...
Simple Virus Scanner Software 7.0 (Downloads: 253)
Scan a computer for common viruses. This software offers a solution for users who want to scan a computer for common viruses. The user selects the folder to be scanned and any virus/es found are displayed in the main pane. The user can choose to scan all files (extensions) or to choose from a file extension list. Scan options are: fix registry error, repair data, hidden recovery, to scan memory. The detection list is displayed on the right....
Excel Import Multiple XML Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 303)
Import one or more XML files into a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who need to work with multiple XML files simultaneously. Simply specify local XML files and whether to add all to one sheet or to create a new sheet for each file. Files are appended in a vertical fashion. This software will save you hours of time by automatically formatting multiple data sets with just a few clicks. Excel 2000 or higher required....
Excel Extract URLs From Multiple Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 249)
Extract links from one or more MS Excel files. This software offers a solution for users who need to extract links from one or more MS Excel files. Choose to extract every hyperlink in the selected workbooks, or filter results by included or excluded characters. Results are saved in text format. This software will save you time by quickly batch-retrieving from your Excel data. Excel 2000 or higher required....
MS Access Append Two Tables Software 7.0 (Downloads: 234)
Merge two tables with the same number and types of columns. This software offers a solution for database managers who need to merge two tables up and down. The two tables must have the same number and types of columns but the number of rows can be different. One Access table with the other in vertical direction. The tables can be located in one Access file or two different Access files. Access 2000 or higher required....
MySQL Join Two Tables Software 7.0 (Downloads: 239)
Horizontally merge two MySQL tables into one based on a common column. This software offers a solution for users who need to horizontally or vertically merge two MySQL tables into one. Simply login to both databases and choose a common column of data from two tables. The tables will not be changed: a new table is created with the results. The user friendly interface makes navigation an intuitive process. This software saves you time by automatically merging your data and by quickly repeating merges....
IBM DB2 Editor Software 7.0 (Downloads: 275)
Make changes to the data found within IBM DB2 tables. Make changes to the data found within IBM DB2 tables....
Outlook Extract Email Data Software 7.0 (Downloads: 241)
Extract all lines from Outlook Inbox emails. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract lines from Outlook e-mails following user specified criteria. The software will extract e-mails from the Outlook application or the user can choose a PST file. Check boxes allow choice of the Outlook folder/s to be used (inbox, sent etc.) and fields (From or Body). The user can then choose to extract from all e-mails or by various parameters: all lines containing (or not) specified text, a text string sta...