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    C: \ Business \ Office Suites & Tools \ Outlook Extract Email Data Software 7.0 \ Author

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    Outlook Extract Email Data Software 7.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Extract all lines from Outlook Inbox emails... (more)

    Author Info for Outlook Extract Email Data Software 7.0

    Author/Company Name: Sobolsoft

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.sobolsoft.com/

    Programs listed: 155

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    Excel Phone Number Format Software iconExcel Phone Number Format Software 7.0   (Downloads: 294)
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    Excel Unique & Duplicate Data Remove Software iconExcel Unique & Duplicate Data Remove Software 7.0   (Downloads: 235)
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    Find Files Containing Your Specified Text Software iconFind Files Containing Your Specified Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 276)
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    Clipboard Manager Software iconClipboard Manager Software 7.0   (Downloads: 375)
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    Outlook Extract Contacts Software iconOutlook Extract Contacts Software 7.0   (Downloads: 269)
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    Rename Multiple Folders At Once Software iconRename Multiple Folders At Once Software 7.0   (Downloads: 259)
    Change name of many folders and subfolders. Sobolsoft offers a unique folder management utility. Now you can change the names of many folders and subfolders at once. Simply add folders and choose your renaming method. You can: change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case; add character(s) to beginning, end, or inside of the folder name by position or by referencing surrounding character(s); remove and replace character(s); and remove alpha, numeric, alpha-numeric or non-alpha-numeric character...

    MS Access Append Two Tables Software iconMS Access Append Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 234)
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    Split one or more MP3 files into smaller ones. This software offers a convenient solution for users who need to split one or more MP3 files into smaller files. Based on a time increment you provide, new files of that length are created. The final segmented file will be the remainder of the division. Skip the studio editing, this software finishes your project quickly....

    MS SQL Server Join Two Tables Software iconMS SQL Server Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 256)
    Horizontally merge two MS SQL Server tables into one by a common column. Horizontally merge two MS SQL Server tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables are not changed: a new table is created with the results. MS Access 2000 or higher required....

    Inventory Management Database Software iconInventory Management Database Software 7.0   (Downloads: 264)
    Create a database for inventory and keep track of products. This software offers a solution for users who want to create a database of inventory. This software allows the user to keep track of products, employees, suppliers and shipping. The clear and easy to use task menu allows browsing or creating new purchase orders and viewing reports. The setup menu, allows setting up a list of employees, suppliers, product categories and shipping methods - each of these can have items added or deleted at any time, as can company infor...

    MS Access Extract Data & Text Software iconMS Access Extract Data & Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 247)
    Extract entries in MS Access. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract user specified data from one or more MS Access databases. The user simply adds the database/s required and can choose to assign a password to selected databases. There is a button for extracting all fields or the user can choose to extract data based on the following: extract entire fields containing or not containing a user specified text string or to extract all data between two user-defined character s...

    MS Access Find and Replace Software iconMS Access Find and Replace Software 7.0   (Downloads: 258)
    Replace content in MS Access tables. This software offers a solution for users who want to find and replace text in MS Access tables. This software allows you to select one or more tables in which to make the replacements. Please note that replacements can not be made in Boolean data types, primary keys and other unmodifiable text. By allowing multiple find and replace switches to be made in batch, this software will save you hours time having to make manual changes by hand in your Access tables. Acces...

    MS Word Resume Template Software iconMS Word Resume Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 295)
    Create resume templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for job seekers who want to create a simple and attractive resume. Simply fill in the standard items and your information is automatically formatted in a visually appealing one page document. This software will save you time by suggesting which information to include and by organizing the form in a professional fashion. Word 2000 or higher required....

    Find Unused Files Software iconFind Unused Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 299)
    Search folders or drives for unused files. This software offers a solution for users who want to find unused files or folders and send them to the Recycle Bin or a specific folder. The user adds folder/s or a drive and chooses an option to find by: date accessed, date modified or date created. Then the cutoff date is chosen from drop down menus with the following options: after, before, on or between a selected date. There is another option for listing anything that has not been accessed within a user specif...

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