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OraDump-to-Excel 4.1 (Downloads: 231)
OraDump-to-Excel is a program to convert Oracle dump files into MS Excel OraDump-to-Excel is a program to convert Oracle dump files into MS Excel spreadsheets. Key features:
(1) all versions of Oracle dump files are supported;
(2) converts multi-file Oracle dumps;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) output spreadsheet is compatible with MS Excel 5.0 and higher;
(5) stores conversion settings into profile;
(6) option to convert individual tables;
(7) command line support...
OraDump-to-Access 4.1 (Downloads: 331)
OraDump-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle dump files into MS Access OraDump-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle dump files into MS Access databases. Key features:
(1) all versions of Oracle dump files are supported;
(2) converts multi-file Oracle dump files;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) option to convert individual tables;
(5) option to merge Oracle data into an existing MS Access database;
(6) stores conversion settings into profile;
(7) command line s...
OraDump-to-CSV 4.1 (Downloads: 248)
OraDump-to-CSV is a program to convert Oracle dump files into CSV OraDump-to-CSV is a program to convert Oracle dump files into CSV format. Key features:
(1) all versions of Oracle dump files are supported;
(2) converts multi-file Oracle dumps;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) option to select CSV delimiter: tab, comma or semicolon;
(5) option to convert individual tables;
(6) stores conversion settings into profile;
(7) command line support;
(8) easy-t...
Excel-to-MSSQL 3.3 (Downloads: 205)
Excel-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate MS Excel data into MS SQL databases. Excel-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate MS Excel data into MS SQL databases. Each worksheet becomes a table, each row becomes a record and each cell becomes a field. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS Excel are supported (including MS Excel 2007);
(2) option to convert individual worksheets;
(3) option to merge MS Excel data into an existing MS SQL database;
(4) converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) files into MS SQL tables;
(5) s...
MySQL-to-Excel 3.1 (Downloads: 219)
MySQL-to-Excel is a program to migrate MySQL data to MS Excel spreadsheet. MySQL-to-Excel is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS Excel spreadsheet. Key features:
(1) all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers are supported;
(2) option to convert partial data via SELECT-queries;
(3) converts tables containing more than 65535 records (splits data into multiple MS Excel files if necessary);
(4) output spreadsheet is compatible with MS Excel 5.0 and higher;
(5) stores conversion settings into pro...
PDF-to-Excel 1.0 (Downloads: 207)
a program to convert Adobe PDF documents into MS Excel spreadsheets PDF-to-Excel is a program to convert Adobe PDF documents into MS Excel spreadsheets. Adobe Acrobat is NOT required....
MSSQL-to-Access 3.3 (Downloads: 183)
MSSQL-to-Access is a program to convert MS SQL databases into MS Access format. MSSQL-to-Access is a program to convert MS SQL databases into MS Access format. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS SQL starting from 7.0 are supported;
(2) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(3) option to merge MS SQL data into an existing MS Access database;
(4) option to convert partial data using SELECT-queries;
(5) stores conversion settings into profile;
(6) command line support;
(7) easy-to-use wi...
Oracle-to-MySQL 4.5 (Downloads: 236)
Oracle-to-MySQL is a program to move Oracle databases to MySQL server. Oracle-to-MySQL is a program to move Oracle databases to MySQL server. Key features:
(1) all versions of Unix/Linux and Windows MySQL servers are supported;
(2) all versions of 32- and 64- bit Windows and Linux/Unix Oracle servers are supported;
(3) Oracle components installation is not necessary;
(4) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(5) converts foreign keys;
(6) option to merge Oracle data into an existing M...
Oracle-to-MSSQL 2.5 (Downloads: 215)
Oracle-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate Oracle databases to MS SQL server. Oracle-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate Oracle databases to Microsoft SQL server. Key features:
(1) all versions of Windows and Linux/Unix Oracle servers are supported;
(2) all versions of MS SQL starting from 7.0 are supported;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) converts foreign keys;
(5) option to merge Oracle data into an existing MS SQL database;
(6) option to convert partial data using SELECT-querie...
PDF-to-Image 1.0 (Downloads: 167)
Convert Adobe PDF documents into BMP or JPEG format. Convert Adobe PDF documents into BMP or JPEG format. Easy, Fast, Accurate. Support command line. Freeware!...
MySQL Migration Toolkit 4.1 (Downloads: 221)
software pack to convert any data source to convert any data source MySQL Migration Toolkit is a software pack to convert any data source to MySQL and vice versa. It includes the following utilities:
(1) Access-to-MySQL - migrates MS Access database to MySQL server;
(2) DBF-to-MySQL - moves DBase (dbf) databases to MySQL server;
(3) Excel-to-MySQL - converts MS Excel spreadsheet into MySQL database;
(4) MSSQL-to-MySQL - migrates MS SQL database to MySQL server;
(5) MySQL-to-Access - converts MySQL d...
Oracle-to-Access 2.5 (Downloads: 248)
Oracle-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle databases into MS Access format. Oracle-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle databases into MS Access format. Key features:
(1) all versions of 32- and 64- bit Windows and Linux/Unix Oracle servers are supported;
(2) Oracle components installation is not necessary;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) option to merge Oracle data into an existing MS Access database;
(5) option to convert partial data using SELECT-queries;
(6) command l...
MSSQL-to-Oracle 3.3 (Downloads: 214)
MSSQL-to-Oracle is a program to move MS SQL databases to Oracle server. MSSQL-to-Oracle is a program to migrate MS SQL databases to Oracle server. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS SQL starting from 7.0 are supported;
(2) all versions of Windows and Unix Oracle servers are supported;
(3) option to merge MS SQL data into an existing Oracle tables;
(4) option to convert partial data using SELECT-queries
(5) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(6) converts foreign keys;
(7) stores c...
MySQL-to-DBF 2.3 (Downloads: 205)
MySQL-to-DBF is a program to convert MySQL databases into DBase (*.dbf) format. MySQL-to-DBF is a program to convert MySQL databases into DBase (*.dbf) format. Key features:
(1) all MySQL data types and attributes are supported
(2) works with all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers
(3) fast conversion engine (10MB MySQL database - in 1 minute on average P-III system)
(4) converts indexes with all necessary attributes
(5) converts individual tables
(6) merges MySQL data into an existing DBF database
Access-to-MySQL 5.1 (Downloads: 281)
Access-to-MySQL is a program to move MS Access databases to MySQL server. Access-to-MySQL is a program to move MS Access databases to MySQL server. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS Access (including MS Access 2007) are supported;
(2) all versions of Unix/Linux and Windows MySQL servers are supported
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) converts relationships between tables;
(5) converts MS Access queries into MySQL views;
(6) option to merge MS Access data into an existing My...
MySQL-to-MSSQL 4.5 (Downloads: 191)
MySQL-to-MSSQL is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS SQL format. MySQL-to-MSSQL is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS SQL format. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS SQL starting from 7.0 are supported;
(2) all versions of Unix/Linux and Windows MySQL are supported;
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) converts foreign keys;
(5) option to merge MySQL data into an existing MS SQL database;
(6) option to convert individual tables;
(7) command line support...
MySQL-to-Access 4.1.5 (Downloads: 256)
MySQL-to-Access is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS Access format. MySQL-to-Access is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS Access format. Key features:
(1) works with all versions of Unix and Windows MySQL servers;
(2) supports MS Access 2010;
(3) fast conversion engine (10MB MySQL database - in less than 1 minute on average P-IV system);
(4) filter data to convert via SELECT-queries;
(5) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(6) converts individual tables;
(7) store conv...