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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Christmas Elf 112608 \ Author

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    Christmas Elf 112608 - Author Info Page

    Description: This Christmas screen saver shows a Christmas Tree and two Elves carrying presen.. (more)

    Author Info for Christmas Elf 112608

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Snowman iconSnowman 11909   (Downloads: 209)
    This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall. This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall....

    Snow Storm iconSnow Storm 122609   (Downloads: 278)
    This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls. This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls.
    Each scene is shown for 30 seconds....

    Dad Your The Best iconDad Your The Best 72809   (Downloads: 243)
    This Fathers Day screen saver rotates images of dad as two messages scroll acros This Fathers Day screen saver rotates images of dad as two messages scroll across your screen.
    The messages are: We love you dad and Dad your the best.

    This screen saver is shareware and we offer a free download so you can preview the screen saver before registering....

    Christmas Wish iconChristmas Wish 112708   (Downloads: 180)
    This Christmas screen saver has an animated tree, and Santa with a bag full of g This Christmas screen saver has an animated tree, and Santa with a bag full of gifts.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Halloween Greeting iconHalloween Greeting 111709   (Downloads: 171)
    This Halloween screen saver has a message that reads Happy Halloween, and a witc This Halloween screen saver has a message that reads Happy Halloween, and a witch and some ghost that move around your screen.
    This screen saver does contain a couple sounds....

    Last Supper iconLast Supper 90109   (Downloads: 216)
    This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rot This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rotates scriptures from the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Hearts of Love iconHearts of Love 011408   (Downloads: 186)
    This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen an This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen and display various Valentine messages.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    My Valentine iconMy Valentine 013008   (Downloads: 221)
    This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that w This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that writes out the message Will You Be My Valentine?
    There are cupids sitting on animated hearts that rotate around the screen as smaller hearts moving around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Leprechaun Dance iconLeprechaun Dance 020908   (Downloads: 215)
    This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as sh This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as shamrocks fall from the top.
    Music plays in the registered version....

    Winter Home iconWinter Home 110509   (Downloads: 284)
    This winter screen saver has snow falling as a dog and squirrel play in the fron This winter screen saver has snow falling as a dog and squirrel play in the front yard of an old house.
    Music plays in the background (registered version only)....

    Spring Flowers iconSpring Flowers 51208   (Downloads: 247)
    This screen saver continuously fills your screen with bright colorful spring flo This screen saver continuously fills your screen with bright colorful spring flowers....

    Tommy Turkey iconTommy Turkey 112008   (Downloads: 209)
    The old turkey is back again this year in this Thanksgiving screen saver and he The old turkey is back again this year in this Thanksgiving screen saver and he wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

    He spends his day walking in the woods trying to stay away from that old pesky Pilgrim....

    Haunted House iconHaunted House 101510   (Downloads: 266)
    This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Sk This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Skeleton and a Witch.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Falling iconFalling 62209   (Downloads: 226)
    This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling l This screen saver has a brick wall as the back ground and shows people falling like they were falling off the wall.
    The screen saver contains sounds that can be turned on or off....

    Mother and Baby iconMother and Baby 41708   (Downloads: 195)
    This Mothers Day screen saver shows a mother holding a baby as Angels play a cat This Mothers Day screen saver shows a mother holding a baby as Angels play a catchy little tune.
    The music will only play in the registered version....

    Boogie BBQ iconBoogie BBQ 70509   (Downloads: 218)
    This summer screen saver has a girl dancing to music while she barbecues. This summer screen saver has a girl dancing to music while she barbecues.
    Then an ant takes her food and eats it.
    The registered version plays music which can be turned on or off....

    Haunted Cemetery iconHaunted Cemetery 91409   (Downloads: 267)
    This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and oth This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and other creepy creatures.
    The screen saver contains sound effects....

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