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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Dad Your The Best 72809 \ Author

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    Dad Your The Best 72809 - Author Info Page

    Description: This Fathers Day screen saver rotates images of dad as two messages scroll acros.. (more)

    Author Info for Dad Your The Best 72809

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Boo iconBoo 92708   (Downloads: 231)
    The leaves are falling and the wind is blowing in the Halloween screen saver. The leaves are falling and the wind is blowing in the Halloween screen saver.
    Screen saver shows a house with a ghost flying around it.
    Screen saver contains some sound effects....

    Fish Tank iconFish Tank 80609   (Downloads: 201)
    This screen saver has different fish that move back and forth across your screen This screen saver has different fish that move back and forth across your screen, while smaller fish move in the background....

    Easter Card iconEaster Card 22008   (Downloads: 232)
    Easter eggs fill the background of this Easter screen saver. Easter eggs fill the background of this Easter screen saver.
    The card opens to a basket filled with eggs with a message that reads:
    Happy Easter. From our family to yours.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Birds iconBirds 112108   (Downloads: 225)
    This screen saver has birds flying across your screen as mountains set in the ba This screen saver has birds flying across your screen as mountains set in the background.
    Various sounds can also be heard....

    Animals iconAnimals 101410   (Downloads: 284)
    This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, hors This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, horses, camels, deer, cows, elephants and more....

    Christmas Elf iconChristmas Elf 112608   (Downloads: 234)
    This Christmas screen saver shows a Christmas Tree and two Elves carrying presen This Christmas screen saver shows a Christmas Tree and two Elves carrying presents back and forth while snow falls.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Ice Skating iconIce Skating 80709   (Downloads: 217)
    This screen saver has a girl ice skating back and forth across your screen. This screen saver has a girl ice skating back and forth across your screen....

    Baseballs iconBaseballs 122807   (Downloads: 240)
    This screen saver has baseballs moving around as baseball players run across the This screen saver has baseballs moving around as baseball players run across the bottom of your screen....

    Fish Aquarium iconFish Aquarium 71409   (Downloads: 240)
    This screen saver has colorful fish swimming across your screen. This screen saver has colorful fish swimming across your screen....

    Happy Birthday Boy iconHappy Birthday Boy 8910   (Downloads: 273)
    This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating This screen saver has balloons, confetti and the message Happy Birthday floating around with a background of Birthday cakes.
    The registered version plays music....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 238)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    Gone Fishing iconGone Fishing 82909   (Downloads: 230)
    This screen saver has two fish moving across and an image of a boy and his Grand This screen saver is mainly for the guys, you know which one's I'm talking about?
    The ones that go fishing and never tells their wife.
    Now, all you need to do is use this screen saver, and they'll know?
    This screen saver has two fish moving across and an image of a boy and his Grandpa fading in and out.
    There is also a message that reads, Gone Fishing, scrolling along the bottom....

    Alien Campfire iconAlien Campfire 62709   (Downloads: 218)
    This screen saver shows an alien setting around a campfire. This screen saver shows an alien setting around a campfire.

    This screen saver is shareware and we offer a free download so you can preview
    the screen saver before registering.

    Grab the hotdogs!...

    Little Hearts iconLittle Hearts 011708   (Downloads: 236)
    This Valentine screen saver has colorful little hearts that float around your sc This Valentine screen saver has colorful little hearts that float around your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Space Adventure iconSpace Adventure 122509   (Downloads: 262)
    Take a journey around the planets and watch the moon landing as you blast off in Take a journey around the planets and watch the moon landing as you blast off in to space with this space screen saver.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Watermelon iconWatermelon 122608   (Downloads: 215)
    You can enjoy your watermelon without all the mess with this juicy screen saver. You can enjoy your watermelon without all the mess with this juicy screen saver.
    This screen saver has slices of watermelon sliding down and moving around your screen....

    Dad The Chef iconDad The Chef 53008   (Downloads: 236)
    This screen saver shows Dad besides the barbecue grill and rotating these messag This screen saver shows Dad besides the barbecue grill and rotating these messages:
    You're The Worlds Greatest Dad!
    But A Lousy Chef!
    We Love You Though, Happy Fathers Day!...

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