ezW2 2011 - W2/1099 Software 5.0.5 (Downloads: 397)
ezW2 is a W2, W3, 1099, 1096 Forms Printing software. ezW2 is a W2/1099 printing software. It was approved by SSA (Social Security Administration) to print forms W2 Copy A and W3 in black and white on plain paper. This eliminates the need for buying the red-ink versions of these forms and calibrating the printer to print in the boxes properly.
- W2 Copy A: Print data on preprint red-ink form
or print SSA-Approved laser substitute for W2 Copy A on plain white paper.
For Social Security Adminis...
ezBarcodePrinting 2.0.3 (Downloads: 285)
Barcode label design printing software print linear and 2D barcode Barcode label design printing software retrieve data from database and prints linear and 2D barcodes, text and images. Codabar, Code11, Code128, Code39, Code39Ext, Code93, Code93Ext, Ean13, Ean8, Industrial2of5, Interleaved2of5, UccEan128, MSI, Postnet, Planet, Telepen, UpcA, UpcE, IntelligentMail, Sscc18, Scc14, Itf14, PDF417, MacroPDF417, DataMatrix, QRCode.
ezBarcodeprinting barcode printing software exports labels to images and displays image files ...