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    C: \ Development \ Other \ Simple DBFtoSQL convertor 1.07 \ Author

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    Simple DBFtoSQL convertor 1.07 - Author Info Page

    Description: Simple DBFtoSQL convertor it's an ease way to make migration from DBF to SQL... (more)

    Author Info for Simple DBFtoSQL convertor 1.07

    Author/Company Name: Armed Tools Ltd

    Country: Russia

    Web Site: http://armed-tools.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    RGMaster iconRGMaster 1.77   (Downloads: 363)
    RG-Master - a program to calculate the ranking of competitors. RG-Master - a program to calculate the ranking of competitors in table tennis, but it may also be used to calculate the other ratings. The program provides a unique opportunity to store all the results of games in a single database. You can always build a report about the previous games. And also build a full report on the ratings of participant which in you club.

    Thus, the RG-Master is a versatile calculator ratings of players. You can install it on a ...

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