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    C: \ Graphic Apps \ Converters & Optimizers \ Image2PDF 1.08 \ Author

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    Image2PDF 1.08 - Author Info Page

    Description: convert image to pdf, preview images,- tif, jpg, bmp,gif,wmf,emf,png-, easy use.. (more)

    Author Info for Image2PDF 1.08

    Author/Company Name: Filehunter Software

    Country: AUSTRALIA

    Web Site: http://www.filehunter.com

    Programs listed: 7

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    extract images from pdf files and add images to pdf files. Convert image to pdf, preview images,- tif, jpg, bmp,gif,wmf,emf,png. Set page order, security, encyrption, permissions, document information and customize pdf pages. Scan images into program- use 1 image per pdf or multiple images...

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    The program can p...

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